Voices of Hope

Join us on  28 November for Voices of Hope, an evening of music and poetry at the Nottingham Playhouse. The…

23, October, 2023

Nottingham Refugee Forum Launches Campaign for Rough Sleeper’s Kits 

Newly recognised refugees have between 7 and 28 days to find new accommodation or they face homelessness. The Home Office…

03, October, 2023

Thank you Specsavers!

We want to say a huge thank you to the team at Specsavers, who recently gave up their time to…

28, September, 2023

Our Robin Hood superstars

Thank you to our Team NNRF who have raised over £3,000 for Nottingham Refugee Forum at this year's Robin Hood…

26, September, 2023

A Green thumbs up!

We had a wonderful time taking part in the Nottingham Green Festival on 10th September. The Green Festival, celebrating it's…

14, September, 2023

A lovely time at our staff awards

On 16 August the staff team at Nottingham Refugee Forum got together in our beautiful garden for our summer picnic.…

31, August, 2023

Nottingham Refugee Forum on the radio

On 18 July our caseworker Charlie visited the BBC Radio Nottingham studios for a live interview about our new LGBTQ+…

31, August, 2023

We Need Your Votes! Help us win a Donation this September

Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum is taking part in the My Favourite Voucher Codes charity poll in the hopes of…

31, August, 2023

Celebrating diversity at Notts Pride

On 29 July Notts Refugee Forum joined the vibrant Notts Pride Parade for the first time in our history. Under the warm…

15, August, 2023

Could you be our next trustee?

Do you want to support NNRF’s work with asylum seekers and refugees? Do you want to champion a society where…

15, August, 2023

Come and Sing is back!

Taking place at Nottingham's Royal Concert Hall on Sunday 21st January 2024. we are delighted to be a beneficiary yet…

07, August, 2023

Remembering Valentine

We are sad to hear about the passing of Valentine Nkoyo. She was a truly inspirational woman and a leader…

31, July, 2023