The LGBTQ+ project supports our clients who identify as LGBTQ+. These clients face a double prejudice, they face hostile immigration policies and are often ostracised by their own refugee communities. They can face long and protracted waiting times for a decision on their asylum claim.
Our aim is to support these clients throughout their time in the asylum system and beyond, to reduce isolation and increase wellbeing and confidence. We have a community group, meeting once a month, and further wellbeing checks and befriending. We also provide support and advice on many different matters, including but not limited to: referring to LGBTQ+ safe housing, legal signposting, hate crime, bullying, signposting to sexual health and trans health services, and general advocacy.
This service is overseen by Charlie Stubbings, one of our Specialist Advice Team Caseworkers. Volunteering opportunities are available for LGBTQ+ people interested in giving advice and low level support to these clients under supervision, as well as conducting wellbeing checks and befriending. Clients can access the project by coming to our General Advice drop in sessions and asking for a referral, or by emailing their contact details directly to
The LGBTQ+ group were at this year’s Pride! Read all about it here.